Does Institutional Design Make a Difference?
Steven G. Calabresi
Abstract The goal of essay is to identify two key features of U.S. constitutional design integral to the success of U.S. federal and presidential separation of powers, but which are not widely known and are therefore not widely copied when newly emerging democracies around the world choose to write a constitution. First, the focus is on the fact that American federalism is characterized by a much larger number of state entities than exist in most federal regimes and on the fact that state boundary lines are drawn pretty arbitrarily and cross-cut regional and ethnic cleavages. In Part II, the focus is on five features of the U.S. system of presidential separation of powers which make out presidents much weaker than the presidents of other countries with presidential systems. Keywords: Institutional Design; Federalism; Separation of Powers; Presidentialism
Does Institutional Design Make a Difference?