Pilotis Direito, Estado e Sociedade Brasão da PUC-Rio - voltar para a página principal d a universidade
ISSN 1516-6104
Departamento de Direito
Publicação Online
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Publicada em: 11/07/2019 - N° 54, jan./jun.2019

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item Smart cities and personal data: balancing innovation, technology and the law
Jesús Manuel Niebla Zatarain

Smart cities and personal data: balancing innovation, techonlogy and the law


Smarts cities are delivering new channels of communication between governments and its citizens. Through this, new and more efficient operational approaches have emerged, improving the quality of public services and even increasing transparency levels. Nonetheless, this digital platform gathers and processes considerable volumes of personal data, which presents a potential threat to their legal holders. Throughout an extensive research on legal literature, legislation and technological sources, this paper delivers the impact of this technological platform in three relevant regions Europe, North America and Latin America, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Finally, this works delivers the necessity to develop smart cities based on a method of collaboration that legal compliance through technical efficiency.

Keywords: Smart cities; Legal informatics; Data protection.

Smart cities and personal data: balancing innovation, techonlogy and the law

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